Friday, February 12, 2010

Going For A Ride

Since Chelsea died, Marc and I have missed having a dog who likes to ride. There's just something about driving down the road with a dog by your side. Abbie is not that dog. She hates to ride--HATES it. We try to limit how frequently we torture her with it, so we're hoping that Luna will not dread it the same way her big sister does. To help her not hate it so much, I wanted to take Luna on fun rides as frequently as possible, and doing so was one of our projects for the day. She and I rode to town to get the mail and pick up Big Sister's prescription. Luna even had to stay in the truck by herself for a little while while I went into places, and did great while she did! She waited calmly in the passenger's seat, and didn't even seem freaked out about it. I guess that will have to make up for the couple of accidents she had...

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