Monday, April 26, 2010

The Toy Basket and Cleaning the Tub

Monday, April 26, 2010
37# @ 22 weeks, 3 days

I bought a basket to teach Luna to put away her toys. Funny enough, the basket became as much of a toy as the toys themselves. Here are a couple of videos of her playing distructo-Luna.
We are almost through the teething phase. I think the last of her puppy teeth are out and the big girl teeth are coming through. I'm glad. The puppy teeth were frikkin' sharp. Now that the teething is almost over, she is less obsessed with chewing on our hands and arms. Actually, she seems to be calming down over all. About 3 or 4 days ago she just out of nowhere began to be more calm a bigger percentage of the time. Until then, she seemed to just be all or nothing, full-tilt-boogie or dead-to-the-world. Now she has a sort of medium speed where she lies around observing or wanders aimlessly. She has taken to going into the bedroom and lying on the bed quite a bit. Of note is her new-found ability to jump flat-footed onto the bed.

Funny story...
The other day I was cleaning house in preparation for a get-together we were having. I got in the garden tub to wash the window next to it, and I could see the wheels in Luna's head turning. She decided to jump in with me and try to help. While I was taking one of the manufacturer's stickers off, she started looking at the other one. She looked at it, watched me, looked at it, then began trying to pull the other sticker off herself. She never got any off, but she surely tried. When I finally get finished, she and I got out of the tub, and I went in kitchen. All of a sudden I heard this HUGE CLANK AND CRASH, and she comes slinking out of the bathroom like, "Did you hear that?! I wonder what that was? I wouldn't possibly have caused that noise!" I swear. It was hilarious. "The noise?" you ask... It was her pulling the poinsettia off the window sill into the tub. No worries, nothing broken, and she didn't eat any of the plant. I did, however, end up doing a LOT more cleaning.

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