Having satisfied herself that she'd maintained the safety of her domain, Luna pranced into the house and headed straight to her erstwhile stolen kibble, only to look around as if to say, "What the hell?!" Then she decided to run a little experiment. She took one mouthful of food and dropped it in the living room floor and another and placed it behind the sofa. Then she walked around the corner and waited a while. Satisfying herself that she'd waited plenty of time, she came back and checked her bait. Again the perplexed look--they were both untouched. She sniffed around each pile of food, ate one, and retreated around the corner again to wait. After another short while, the food stayed where she'd put it, so she sniffed even more thoroughly this time to see if she could figure it out. Satisfying herself that she could not, she decided just to eat that food, too.
Little did she know her sneaky sister who is as deaf as a stone never knew she'd been set up. She was lying in the bedroom oblivious the whole time. Otherwise, she certainly would have been found out.